Practical Laboratory Training

To expand the technical repertoire of the students, various practical courses covering different methods (including in-depth theoretical considerations) will be offered. The duration of each course depends on the individual topic but will generally be in the range of 3-5 days and the number of participants will be limited to 5-10. Each student is expected to attend about 2 courses within 3 years. PhD students using the respective techniques in their research projects will be actively involved in these courses as teachers. This will contribute to train the teaching skills of the students and to deepen their knowledge about the respective technique.

Lab training courses offered will include:

  • Electron-beam lithography
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy techniques
  • Laser spectroscopy 
  • Polymer analysis
  • Analytical and numerical theoretical methods of quantum transport

The students are free to choose between the courses, but a preference to complement the educational background and the study plan of the respective student will be respected.

Note that this is not the usual supervision of "Anfänger-" or "Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum" for undergraduate students.